Wednesday, October 15, 2008

“Child rights” what is your responsibly?

“Compulsory Primary Education” is great program of Bangladesh govt. Besides many organizations are also working on it and children’s rights. Many donors are also spending lot of money to implement this program. But what we can see everyday!! We become very sad when we can see street children are being addiction, children are begging, searching something in the dustbin. But what you can do when a child works for supporting his family. Is there anybody who thinks “why a family sends her child for earning”? There are many children are working in the car garages and small restaurants, huge number of children are working as tokai. We also found huge number of children is working as koli in the rail stations, chicken markets. Some children run small business like tea, vegetable as vendor. We can see a good number of children use as customer caller in the rich market before EID and other occasion. Many people use these children for their own business development. Most of the solvent families in have a small baby for working as maidservant. Do we think what they need in this age?

These children work in the car garages just to learn. They don't get any salary but they work from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm. Some of them get some money for lunch only. Some of these children went to school and studied one year to three years. They replied that their parents sent there to learn car repairing.

These boys work as local bus helpers and they can earn 50 taka 100 taka per day. They can sopport to their family. This is very risky job. I talk with two boys and they told me that they went to the NGO's schools and they studied three years. Liton, aged 12 told me that he lived with her mother and he had two younger sisters. Her mother was working as a house maid and his father did not live with them and his father also did not give them money. He did not tell me why his father did not live them and where his father was living. I asked him that what you would do after 5 to 10 years. He could not tell me. I also can not say whatt he'll do in future?

These boys don't work under any organization but they give free service to bear dusts to the dustbin what city corporation people do. They give free labor because they can collect old papers, plastics, bottle etc from the dustbin. As there are many children to collect these things (working as tokai) city corporation people are using them.
All of these children are 8-12 years old when they will go to school. What is the future of these children? At best they can be a labor. We can see in the papers that some of them take intoxication. Some of them are used to sell drug/intoxication like phensidil, gaja, heroin etc. Sometimes police arrest them but main sellers are not arrested. We can see these children become hijacker, rober and engaged in other illegal activities.

But in this age children need more care and then we can expect better things from them. They need security of food, residence, education health support beside love of everyone. They need an environment where they will not face any distrace, fear. They need only love, affection etc from everyone.

Regarding to "Blog action day 2008 --- Poverty" and "World Child Right Day" I want to propose every people to take reponsibility for one poor child or family. I'll not propose to give some money or food or dress. I propose to give support for a child or a family for self-reliant. If it is difficult for a person, he can make a group to help a child or a family.